Por Mientras


Page 1 of Por Mientras, an RUP newsletter from September 1971

(click image to enlarge)


Page 2 of Por Mientras, an RUP newsletter from September 1971

(click image to enlarge)


"Por mientras" is a Spanish phrase which roughly translates to "for the time being" or "in the meantime."

The term "la Raza" translates to "the race," but in this context, it refers to Mexican-Americans (Chicanos) specifically. 

Por Mientras

Por Mientras is a newsletter which was created by RUP in the fall of 1971 as a means of communicating and relaying accurate information to its members and supporters. The newsletter shown here is the first newsletter ever sent out by the party. The first four paragraphs have been translated below: 

"For as long as we have neither a voice nor vote in the government, we will continue to enjoy the crumbs of the American Dream that the...allow us;

For as long as we do not make an effort to improve our situation and the situation of la Raza, we cannot demand the respect of our fellow citizens in this country; 

For as long as we do not watch over the directors of the school system, the youth of la Raza will continue to be damaged by mentalities [or ways of thinking] foreign to our culture; and

For as long as we do not own a Chicano system of communication, we will have to rely on newsletters like this to know the truth about our history and for this reason, with this issue is born, Por Mientras, the weekly newsletter of the Raza Unida Party in Texas."  


The newsletter is divided into five sections, the first of which was translated above. This issue of Por Mientras outlines important information relevant to the RUP. It announces new RUP office openings, encourages newsletter recipients to make financial contributions to the party, and talks about important dates and events taking place. Lastly, quite possibly one of the more important parts of the newsletter, the party's political platform is also discussed. The newsletter makes mention of a meeting which took place in Crystal City, Texas where most, if not all, of these stances were formed. This section, titled "Animo," which translates to "encouragement" begins with the following quote by Dr. G. R. Solis from Port Arthur, TX directed towards Gutiérrez, one of the party's principal organizers: 

"I agree with your goals to educate our race to participate more and more in politics... It is necessary to favor in every election the politician [who treats la Raza as equal]. If we have no vote or political power, they forget us." 

In this section, as mentioned above, RUP goes on to talk about the issues which they will be focusing on and the rights they will be fighting for as a political party. As is evident in the quote above from Dr. Solis, a fundamental part of RUP's goal was to educate its people to ensure their participation in politics. It is important to keep in mind that RUP's goal was to educate its people and get them as involved in politics as possible so as to provide them with the resources necessary for political self-determination to take place. 

Furthermore, it is equally important to note that although this was an political party created by Chicanos and with la Raza in mind, RUP greatly stressed the participation and inclusion of all who supported and were committed to their goals. This included other minority groups, such as women and other races and/or ethnicities. In fact, women played a significant role in the party's success. In addition, RUP encouraged the participation of formerly incarcerated individuals, illiterate persons, US citizens over 18 years of age, and non-citizen immigrants who had been in the country for at least 10 years, in the party's political processes. 

Some of the issues mentioned in the newsletter which were discussed at the Crystal City meeting were those of voting rights, the right to run for public office positions, human rights (e.g., education, the right to a free college education, healthcare, housing, transportation, employment, etc.). 

In short, Por Mientras served as a way in which RUP could disperse important information amongst its members all throughout the state of Texas during the people's fight for justice and liberation. 

Por Mientras